Kids Brand Story
Kids Brand Story

What did you decide to offer your children’s table today?
Since early childhood is an important time for growth, it is always concerned what to give and how to feed a child after a weaning food period. I believe almost every mom has the same mind, so they are reading books and surfing the internet.

It is obvious that there is a certain boundary between weaning food and adult food. When it comes to an early childhood, Kid are reluctant to taste bland taste and that’s the time when parents face to their limit finding mild taste among the adult’s savory food for their kid.

While experiencing hardship to find appropriate food, we came up with ideas. Let’s make easy and safe food that could get rid of all the parent’s concern!! From this point, we started a KID BRAND. We have a confidence with IVENET KID BRAND because it was created by all mother’s concerns and sympathy.

From now on why don’t you enjoy reliable IVENET KID BRAND even a busy mom and a clumsy father can give to their children with sure?
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